Rincon, Puerto Rico Surf Forecast, April 17, 2015
When this baby hits buoy 41115 we’re going to see some serious surf!
Between 5am and 8am this morning buoy 410149 was hit by the incoming NE swell. Give it about 48hrs and we should see it on the beach here in Rincon. About four to six hours before Rincon gets it, the north side of the island should be seeing some head high and bigger surf. I originally thought this swell was going to stall until Monday, especially since NE swells tend to delay a bit more than NW swells in their arrival compared to the models. However, the real life data supports the swell arriving early Sunday morning! That’s good for everyone down here! The models are also keeping swell in the water all next week. It really is a good setup.
Longer period pulses next week will provide the best quality waves.
The wind should be light and the period should be decent which will let the NE swell reach around further into Rincon and open up the options for surf spots each morning. There should be plenty of options to avoid the crowds. Some of the days are even currently forecast to see some 16 second period swell – that’s going to be awesome! I will be keeping an eye on this swell as it develops and try to update the forecast as much as I can.
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