Rincon, Puerto Rico Surf Forecast – Aug 31, 2020
Possible storm in our swell window means possible surf for Rincon.
So far this summer has gone a little something like this: “We might get waves… sorry guys we didn’t get waves. We might get waves again… sorry guys the storm is going to hit us instead. We might get waves… sorry guys just more covid and no waves.” And here we are again with a beautiful opportunity setting up. Will we all be too jaded to pay attention to what this next possible wave generator does? Yeah, probably. Here’s what’s going on though.
We have a surface low off of the southeastern US coastline that has a decent probability of forming into a tropical depression or tropical storm soon. If that low does start to amplify and swoop out a bit more we’re looking at some tropical swell. If it moves too far away first, gets absorbed into the weak front already above it, and proceeds to amplify closer to Europe we get the big skunk and everyone on the other side of the Atlantic will surf their brains out. PR hasn’t had the magic working for it lately so I’m inclined to go with the scenario where we stay flat and everyone else surfs. But just in case I’m wrong I will leave the satellite image loops running in my browser and check on them constantly over the next few days. In the short term we stay small to flat.
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