Rincon, Puerto Rico Surf Forecast – May 12, 2015
I know I sound like a broken record, but go north if you want to surf.
Rincon is going to stay small to flat for the foreseeable future. Most pulses that show up on the beach will be perfect for surf lessons or longboard, but nothing extreme is on the radar. Meanwhile, every morning the north coast of the island has been super fun! I know it doesn’t work with everyone’s schedule to drive up there every day, but it’s good to have it as an option if your stoke is low and you really need to surf. In another month, there won’t be anything up there either so enjoy the setup while it lasts.
Tropics? Anything there?
The official forecasts from the big dogs are for a super quiet 2015 Hurricane Season. Personally, I think we’ll see a more active season than last year, but that’s not saying much. Our main swell window is already on lockdown, so tropical swell will be hard to make. The flows we’re seeing now and that may continue through the summer aren’t conducive to wave making storms for Puerto Rico. But once again, personally I have a hunch that we’ll do better than last year.
NOAA WaveWatch III Wave Model:

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