Rincon, Puerto Rico Surf Forecast – Oct 2, 2015
Yup, arms are officially dead. More surf on the way too!
We have had a steady run of perfect waves all day long on the north side of Rincon. The winds have kept a strong southerly flow which has kept conditions glassy just about the entire day for north facing beaches. Just about all the spots in Puerto Rico have been firing. Right now it looks like Saturday will take a break and be more of a surf lessons and kids day with smaller knee high conditions (unless some NW swell comes in early). Sunday the new NW pulse from Joaquin should start showing up with waves in the chest to head high range with bigger sets. With Hurricane Joaquin out in the ocean, a coldfront pulling off the states, and a new low in the open Atlantic generating gale force winds, we should remain chest high or bigger with south winds (or dead winds) for pretty much all of next week. Amazing! NE swell from the developing low mixed with NW Joaquin swell and some N fetch from the coldfront will mean multiple wave sets from different angles. There should be plenty of waves for everyone.
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